Michaela is an experienced coordinator and adviser of pigs and other livestock species for film and TV work.
All licences required can be explained and arranged.
Both Michaela & Oliver are listed on the IMDb register as additional crew
We work with many experienced wranglers that can be available for 1 day or multiple days.
Want a specific breed? Want a large number of livestock? Want a specific ages of pigs? More than one livestock species required? No problem.
Need a coordinator that is familiar with working within the regulations of the American Humane Association for a US based film? No problem.
The livestock veterinary surgeon is familiar with working with American Humane Association representatives for US based TV and film. They are also an experienced wrangler / handler.
This includes on-farm, off farm locations. Studio experience includes CGI requirements, green / blue screen etc. This includes working with stunt coordinators, camera crew, production managers and directors.
Full risk assessments for every job provided, once final filming demands are made.
Pricing is dependant upon the complexity of what is required, number of days required and number and species of animals required. Call or email Michaela for a free initial discussion.
07917890101 tedfold@hotmail.co.uk