Our boar hire fees are donated to a charity called The Smile Train under the Tedfold Pigs name.
This can be performed directly using this link www.justgiving.com/fundraising/tedfoldpigs or we can do it if you wish to pay us.
Middle White and Saddleback boars can be hired with a minimum £100 donation per sow to The Smile Train
Our Duroc boars are a £120 minimum donation per sow
This includes the ability to birth notify the resulting litter(s).
All boars must be fed an agreed diet of proprietary commercial pig food – strictly no alternative feeding or 'treats'. He must also be de-wormed before returning. We can arrange delivery / collection @ £1.50 per mile (plus VAT) round-trip each journey
All sows must be vaccinated against Erysipelas and parvovirus (PPV), dewormed and be lice-free
You will be required to sign a loan agreement stating that you agree to abide by these terms
Regretfully we do not accept visiting sows